You are what you eat, or so the old saying goes. If this is true, by the end of Semester 1, I was tea and toast with chocolate on the side. Nobody can prepare you for the first term of an MBA including the devastating effect on your diet! Stress, exhaustion and not enough hours in the day made it difficult to maintain a healthy diet. A different approach is needed for Semester 2!
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead is a documentary on Netflix about a man who lives on vegetable and fruit juices for 60 days. He improved his health significantly, even managing to impede a debilitating immune disorder. If juicing can help cure chronic illness then it can supplement the diet of a malnourished MBA student! Packed full of vitamins, enzymes, minerals, quick to prepare and easy to drink while studying, it offers a much needed health boost to a dodgy diet. Give it a try, particularly if you rely on caffeine and/or sugar to make it through the long days.
Below is my favourite green juice. It’s great for energy and large enough to replace a meal or share!
MBA Green Juice ®
8 leaves kale
2 handfuls of spinach
4 celery stalks
1 cucumber
1 inch fresh ginger
1 pear
1 carrot
Emma Burke ~ Executive MBA