An MBA is designed to put one to the pin of their collar. For me, this was never more so the case for last few weeks of semester 1. Deadlines, assignments, heated debates, sleep deprivation and the small but not insignificant matter of the impending arrival of my first born during exam week! Suffice to say it has been a bit of a whirlwind!
Despite best laid plans of finalising group projects, submitting assignments and preparing for exams, it all changed at short notice as our baby daughter decided to arrive early for Christmas. Everything went out the window and all sleep deprivation training throughout the semester kicked in for real. Suffice to say exam preparation was difficult to say the least as concentration levels were variable. But through both the flexibility and the patience of my long suffering team members and the Programme Office, I came out the other side. Although the results have not been published yet I feel like I have passed a module in achieving a work-life balance.
Attention now turns to semester 2 and a slightly bigger juggling act than before Christmas. The balance between the academic, leadership development, networking and nappy changing is a mystery, at least until we start back. Who knows it may still remain a mystery by the end of the semester? Let’s see what awaits.
Before semester 2 suddenly creeps up on the class, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and successful new year.
PS: For any of you interested, I highly recommend it. I would not change the experience for the world, the MBA or fatherhood!
Ken Barry, Class Rep Semester 1
FT MBA 2014