“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” Earl Nightingale
Resolutions are overrated, and we all know it. Even if you enjoy making lofty goals for the new year, simply declaring a resolution is not the same as making a plan to get there. But you know what? You don’t have to do that, either. This year, make a resolution that is small and simple.
After the year of 2020, we still do not know what 2021 will bring. Over our Christmas break, I took a lot of time to reflect. This time last year I was in Fiji, sunning myself and not a care in the world. Fast forward a year, I am 1/3 through my MBA, life as we know it consists of endless amounts of Zoom calls, social distance walks and standing out in the cold drinking coffee. If you had said that to me last January, in the sunny Islands of Fiji, I would have laughed. I am certainly not laughing now. I have grown accustomed to staying connected with friends while keeping my distance.
In line with my attempts to be healthy, be more motivated to do those home workouts and not roll my eyes at another Zoom session, my new years resolution is to be more connected. With a new MBA trimester, I have new teammates in my study group to get to know, and I am curious to work with different individuals and to learn from them and establish new connections. Yes to networking with new people, as MBA students, new people are encouraged and recommended; but also yes to being more connected with those around me.
Having isolated due to COVID for a daunting 14 days over the Christmas, I do admit the time passes. Days are all one, and as I finish isolation I honestly am surprised how fast it went. Not saying you’ll get your life accomplishments completed, nor will you learn a language. But the quarantine gave me time to reconnect with myself, friends, family and some of my MBA colleagues.
I was so grateful and overwhelmed by the calls, texts and kind gestures of food dropped off to my house. The kindness, generosity from old friends, new friends (MBA colleagues) and family members was incredible. This year I aim to make time to call those I love, make more of an effort to get to know my MBA colleagues (coffee zooms!) and be more present with the people in my life.
I’m leaving my personal isolation for a society-wide one: everything is closed and we should be restricting our movements for the better of everyone, particularly our healthcare staff. What can we do?
Use the time as it passes. Make that coffee date on zoom, get our your calendars and book it in. Thinking of making a phone call, pick up the phone and make the call. Even a text message can make a huge difference to the person receiving it.Be it a dream, a catch up, a networking meeting or a check in. The time will pass by and hopefully we will be out of lock down soon, so do it now. The time will pass, as will restrictions and lockdowns, and hopefully in a few months we will be able to have a physical coffee chat in the warmth!
—Catriona Brady, FTMBA Class of 2021