Learning to collaborate and excel in Teams

Our journey of 1 year Full-time MBA has already got into full swing. Though, there have been numerous learning opportunities during the last one and a half month, experience of working in teams (formally known as study groups) has been the most enriching. This has enhanced our learning curve exponentially. Collectively working on various assignments, presentations, simulation exercises and case studies has helped us to learn immensely from each other’s knowledge, views and experiences. All the teams have been made very thoughtfully consisting of team members of different nationalities and varied educational & professional backgrounds.

Group work has been immensely useful as it gives the real business world experience, where we would be constantly working with number of cross-functional business teams. It has given fillip to our communication, presentation and inter-personal skills, which is the core of business management. We are learning to appreciate everyone’s ideas and opinions and excelling in the art of collective decision making in the context of varied business and management situations. In addition to intellectual stimulation, working in teams is also helping us to develop the feeling of bonding and companionship, which would be lasting for lifetime.

Smurfit MBA study teams clearly demonstrate that “Individually we are one drop, but together, we are an Ocean”.

Ashutosh Singla

Full-time MBA 2014-15