End of term and the exams are just around the corner! Hard to believe that we are two thirds of our way through the programme. It is now time to crystallise all the learning since January and demonstrate our understanding of the academic concepts in the final exams. Perhaps more important however is the impending commencement of the Capstone or company projects. There was an impressive list of applications with projects for the MBA Consultancy Initiative and I look forward to once again collaborating with colleagues on our chosen project in the summer and practically apply what we have learned throughout the year. For me this is the highlight of the programme and the opportunity to apply our new skills and toolkits to real, day-to-day, and longer-term business problems.
Have noticed some weary looking people in recent weeks in the MBA class, which is testament to the effort everyone is putting in to contribute to and take from the programme. For many of us, we have put our professional and personal lives on hold for the past year and our families have had to deal with the highs and lows and occasional mood swings. Some would use the term light at the end of the tunnel to describe the imminent completion of the programme but I feel that that suggests that it was all toil and no reward during the year, which is not true. The finish line analogy of a long-distance run is more apt as the year has been about pacing oneself with periodic bursts of activity around exams and assignment due dates.
I wish all my classmates the very best of luck in the exams and I would like to thank our lecturers for the effort and commitment they put into the teaching of the modules.

-Cathal O’Ceallaigh, FT MBA 2012/13