8th February 2013
As the third week of semester two draws to a close, things are well and truly running at full speed again. A word that immediately springs to mind when reflecting back on semester one is ‘intense’. This theme is now resurfacing. That’s one of the great aspects of the Smurfit MBA, the volume of material you cover and the speed at which you do it. There are times when you wonder how you are going to retain what you are learning. However, the concepts and approaches covered in semester one modules, such as Corporate Finance, Competitive Strategy and Financial Reporting, are already proving valuable in coming to grips with the challenges posed by our new modules. This provides reassurance, as I believe I am not just learning but actually internalising new knowledge which will provide a solid foundation for future career progression.
Another aspect of the Smurfit MBA that I particularly like is the emphasis that all modules place on the practical side of management and relevance to the business world. An excellent way to grasp frameworks is to examine their implementation in real life case studies and this forms a large part of the learning process. This also provides an avenue for learning through fellow classmates’ insights, as solutions are discussed (and argued). There is great diversity in the class and as a result the approaches adapted to framing and resolving problems can greatly differ. I find the horizon though which I view solutions is widening and this for me is one of the huge positives of the Smurfit MBA programme.

– Robert Farrell, FT MBA 2012/13