4 weeks have gone by in the Full time programme. I definitely know about 10 times more about the topics than prior to the course.
We have had some great group presentations to date in Financial Reporting about auditing challenges and limitations, ethical dilemmas and questionable practices in Business and Society, and others in Strategic Information Systems and Operations and Supply Chain Management, all with the requisite degree of wit and humour to impart the desired take-home messages. I definitely believe that the use of case studies and interactive group and class discussions is more effective in delivering and helping me retain the tsunami of content powering towards me.
A good rapport has built up in the class as everyone realises that we’re all in this together and that a rising tide is a better way of lifting the boats than naked individual ambition, although personal motivation is still crucial to success on the programme.

Had a really enjoyable evening at the Annual MBA Alumni Reception last Friday night in the Conrad Hotel. It was great to see a good spread of current students, very recent alumni and more mature alumni present to engender good discussion and interaction. Kingsley Aikins spoke passionately about the need to build networks and bridge to other networks to be successful in one’s career and his own career is testament to that. Prof O’hOgartaigh illustrated thestrength of the UCD Smurfit brand and the school alumni and exhorted the current students and recent graduates to avail of these links in building our careers. Had a couple of “quiet” drinks afterwards with some of my classmates in Dicey’s Bar in Harcourt Street before bailing out at a respectable hour.
Cathal O’Ceallaigh
FT MBA 2012/13