What an amazing month, group work, projects and about a book-worth of reading each week. Much like Karen’s group, ours also gets together on Saturday mornings, albeit at 9am… us MBAs are competitive! So Saturdays feel more like a regular workday, this Saturday will be no different.
Our submission of the Barilla Project for our Operations and Supply Chain Management course went quite smoothly, much thanks to our strong Project Lead Niall. To give you the short version watch the following video.
Barilla commercials of the time focused on 3 ongoing themes, the family, love and the home… Dove c’è Barilla c’è casa, Where there’s Barilla, there’s a home. Commercials like this created artificially high demand for a certain pasta type, in this case Fusilli. This kind of marketing was creating swings in the demand that were quite predictable for Barilla, but not so much for its distributors. In 1988, the sharing of information was a task that had to be planned for, something that we may be taking for granted as each day passes.
My last note here. I “virtually” attended the Dublin Web Summit last week. I watched the livestream of Philip Kaplan, author of a now defunct blog FuckedCompany.com. (Heck, you have to have a gift if you can make even a dime off that idea!) He’s a guy that spent his whole life creating IT ideas that he’s had. Some of this project made money. Lots of them didn’t. His philosophy was simple:
Build stuff, build stuff, build stuff, build stuff… WIN, build stuff, build stuff…
So with that I’ll say, don’t be afraid to give it a shot. And keep on thinking about what’s next!
Michael Munevar – PT MBA 2011/2012